Dramatic Increase in Village Crime

Several incidents of break-ins to property and attempted car theft have been reported recently within Tanworth village itself. This is despite the presence of CCTV cameras and alarm systems.

Worryingly, residents were often at home at the time. All residents need to be particularly aware of strangers and unfamiliar vehicles – especially late at night,

Suspicious activity should be reported to 101 but if a crime seems to be underway do not hesitate to ring 999.

(Source: Tom Ross)

Speed Limit on Well Lane

Following representations by this Association Warwickshire County Council has now reduced the speed limit on most of Well Lane to 20mph.

It is hoped this will allow safer access to the new Cank Farm development and encourage drivers to slow down as they approach the village.

Discussions will now take place with the County Council to introduce measures to slow down traffic and improve the safety of Well Lane near the church and at other points in the village..

(Source: Tom Ross)

Cank Farm Affordable Houses

As part of the planning process involving the former Cank Farm site there was a requirement to provide a number of affordable houses at a permanent discount.

Following a request from the Association and our ward member Lynda Organ Stratford District Council has now provided details of the legal obligations it has imposed on any future sale of the six houses.

All homes are to be sold at 60% of the open market value in perpetuity.  When an owner wants to put their home on the market, they will be required to submit two valuations to the District Council for approval.

The homes have to be marketed to a household with a local connection for 12 weeks

The District Council will monitor details of the potential purchaser, their local connections and a certificate of eligibility confirming the relevant obligations have been adhered to.

We are assured all of these obligations are in perpetuity.

(Source: District Councillor Lynda Organ)

Beware- Bogus Severn Trent Workmen

A resident on Vicarage Hill reports that his house was visited by two men claiming to work for Severn Trent on Thursday 28 March. They asked to examine drains on the property and then left.

Subsequent enquires of Severn Trent and Warwickshire Police have confirmed their were not what they said they were. Severn Trent said they would always write to a householder in the first instance and would never just turn up at a property.

Residents are warned to be on the lookout for any suspicious callers even if they seem to have ID or uniforms of some kind.

(Source: Tom Ross)

Road Closures

For the latest road closures go to the Warwickshire County Council website at:


(Source: Warwickshire Highways)

Green Waste Charges

Stratford District Council has increased the charge for the collection of green waste to £46 from 1 April 2024.

Details of how to purchase a 2024/25 sticker for your Green Bin can be found on the District Council website.

(Source: Stratford District Council)

Old Boot Shop

Residents will be aware that the Old Boot Shop, Edward and Annette Drake’s former house, has been vacant for some time.

Now the present owner has put in an application for Listed Building Consent to make major alterations inside and out.

The main concern is that he wishes to replace the second door and old shop window with a new rather bland bay window and use only one door in future.

The application number is 23/02544/LBC if you feel strongly that the changes will adversely affect the streetscene and the Conservation Area in general.


(Source: Tom Ross)

Cank Farm – Poultry Sheds

As expected Summers Poultry has now asked for permission to convert the ‘barn’ on the Poultry Shed site into five terraced dwellings. The relevant number is 23/02772/COUG.

The site is outside the Built Up Boundary of the village.

The government changed the rules in 2014 to encourage more such conversions of barns and agricultural buildings – even in open countryside in Green Belt.

It seems anyone can apply to get recognition that they meet the five criteria set out and, if they do, they can convert existing buildings into up to 5 dwellings.  

On the face of it, the application meets these five criteria.  More research is needed to see if there are any grounds to argue against permission being granted.

(Source: Stratford District Council)

2023 District and Parish Election RESULTS

The Liberal Democrats have taken control of Stratford District Council from the Conservatives. The new Council comprises:

Liberal Democrats 25

Conservatives 12

Greens 3

Independents 1

The result of the contest in Tanworth-in-Arden ward to replace Tony Dixon on Stratford District Council:

Lynda ORGAN  Conservative 585 ELECTED

Karyl REES  Liberal Democrat 121

Lil JOHNSTON   Green 77

Bob EDWARDS    Labour 67

Turnout : 31.29% District Average: 39.29%

The following six candidates have been elected as Parish Councillors for Tanworth ward.

Ollie MUNTZ 263

Michael SAUNDERS 253

Tom ROSS 244

David COWAN 231


Leila CHAUDRY 165

Not Elected

Louise PHILLIPS 139

Residents on Poolhead Lane, and parts of the north side of Broad Lane, who are members of Tanworth Residents, were not able to vote in this election as they are technically in Earlswood ward.

In a separate matter, the past Chair of the Parish Council, Dave Burgess, has resigned from his post and the Council. The Earlswood vacancy will be advertised soon. If there are no applications it will be filled by co-option of anyone resident in the parish who wishes to volunteer.

(Source:  Stratford Herald)

Road Gritting The Green

Warwickshire County Council has decided to abandon plans to grit Butts Lane instead of The Green/Doctor’s Hill – for the time being.

This followed major problems the gritting lorries had some icy evenings in negotiating parked cars outside the Bell and on the bend at the School.

WCC said their drivers had approached some residents and visitors to the pub asking them to move their cars, but had encountered some hostility and resistance.

Following representations from a number of residents and feedback from both the Residents Association and the Parish Council, WCC Highways will try again to get the co-operation of visitors and local people to park in a manner that allows their gritters to do their important job.

A letter has now been delivered to all properties on Doctor’s Hill to explain the problem and to warn that any future lack of co-operation could lead to gritting being withdrawn.

(Source: Tom Ross)