Contacting the Police

What Number Do I Use to Telephone the Police?

Because of the re-assigning of PCSO David Martin with immediate effect because of budget cuts within Warwickshire Police we have altered the information set out below slightly.

1.      EMERGENCY                                                                                            RING 999

If a crime is in progress or life is at risk.   The local  Police Community Support Officer will always try to get back to you at a later date to let you know the outcome, if there is one.

2.     SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES                                                 RING 101 or 01926 415000

Call Leamington if you want to report your suspicions or to report a non-urgent incident, such as a crime that has already happened or a suspicious vehicle or door to door trader.  Always ask for a Police Incident Number.  That ensures that your call is in the system.  David undertakes to get back to you with feedback or any follow-up required.

3      ANONYMOUS INFORMATION                              RING Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

Remember to dial 141 before the 0800 number to ensure your anonymity!


To see details of individual members of the Neighbourhood policing team for this area including PCSO David Martin’s replacement visit:

For internal organisational reasons Warwickshire Police refer to our area as Alcester North.


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