Since early July Tanworth Village Hall has opened its doors every Wednesday afternoon to enable the community to come together and join in gentle leisure pursuits.
Initially, the hall committee wished to establish if there was sufficient demand to warrant heating the hall throughout the winter months to justify such activities continuing. Demand has been such that the doors remain open. Residents have been able to enjoy Bingo, Draughts (the game not a chill!), a game called ‘Frustration’(It is well named) and to stimulate memories with playing cards and the occasional quiz.
In the summer we enjoyed a little light piano playing from a young talented teenager now back at school. We would welcome any local resident to come along and entertain us at the keyboard.
Doors open every Wednesday afternoon at 2.30pm and close between 4.30pm and 5.00pm depending upon the state of games at the time. Refreshments in the form or tea or coffee with biscuits are provided in exchange for a small donation.
All are welcome, do come along and meet old friends and make some new ones.
(Source: Tony Dixon)